Agility with a Shar Pei twist

An interview with Samantha Geertsema Meet Samantha, the driving force behind Bongo Dog Training & Education in Terwolde. With a passion for dogs deeply rooted in her childhood, Samantha shares her journey from hobbyist to professional dog trainer. Her love for dogs has led to a special focus on dog sports such as agility training. […]
Q&A with Judie Rowlands

Judie Rowlands Copying and sharing is only possible as a whole conversation, not parts of it. The European Federation of Shar Pei Clubs must always be cited as the source and owner of the rights with link to origin webpage! Logo of the EFSPC CAN´T removed when posting. Interview with Judie Rowlands 17.09.2023 Senec, […]
Q&A with Matgo Law

Matgo Law Copying and sharing is only possible as a whole conversation, not parts of it. The European Federation of Shar Pei Clubs must always be cited as the source and owner of the rights with link to origin webpage! Logo of the EFSPC CAN´T removed when posting. Breeding is not only science, but […]
Q&A with Longevity Breeder Viera Staviarska – Slovakia

Topic in focus: Internal/Genetic Features of Health Q1: What do you see as essential testing needed for Shar Pei used in breeding? How do you work with these tests in your breeding program? I think that the use of genetic testing in individual breeding programs is important. It can help us completely eliminate certain health […]
Q&A with Longevity Breeder Valérie Lorient – France

Q&A with Longevity Breeder Valérie Lorient – France Topic in focus: The work of dedicated preservation breeders to improve breed health and longevity Q1: What are some of the most common myths about the breed? This question makes me smile, because there are many, many myths about the Shar Pei …. some of them are […]
Q&A with Longevity Breeder Saskia Kuipers – The Netherland

Q&A with Longevity Breeder Saskia Kuipers – The Netherlands Topic in focus: External Features of Health Q1: In your opinion, what are the most problematic external features of Shar Pei, and how do you address these features in your breeding? In my opinion, the most problematic external problems are the too wrinkly heads, too much […]
Q&A with Longevity Breeder Viktoria Matrai – Hungary

Q & A with Longevity Breeder Viktoria Matrai – Hungary Topic in focus: Breed Specific Care Q1. What breed specific care does a Shar Pei require? I think they don’t need extra specific care. Thank God we don’t have those extreme wrinkly dogs nowadays, which needed special care, or cleaning. It was in the past […]